Sara, 15 years from now.
In 15 years I'm going be 29 years old, maybe I'm married and have kids or live with my best friend. I don't really know if I stay in Sweden or move to New York City. I maybe stay in Sweden but then I'm gonna travel a lot, I want to see the world, visit different citips and cultures. I can't stay to long in the same place. I want to find my place, there I know that I belong, where it feeals like home. I think that in 15 years i can find a place that I can be happy in, or maybe I just need to find the right people.
If i live with my best friend the we gonna live in a apartament in the city. I want to have a big balcon eith flowers and maybe a pool. So i can read books in the sun in the pool. I want to live in the city so i can see diffrents face everyday, and just laughy how they must hurry to their work. People says that new york is the city that never sleeps, and I hope that is true.. I don't want to be alone when i cant sleep. I want to her voices and cars outside.
If I have a boyfriend or a husband we are going to live in a big apartament so our kids can have a lot of place to play. We are gonna live in the city, and when i look outside from the window/balcon i can see my kids outside playing in thr park with their friends. I want to be close with my kids, i mean even when they dont want to talk should they know no matter ehat happends i will always be there to support them. I don't want that my kids are gonna be sad and have a fake smile everyday, because they only hurt themselves then. Me, my boyfriend/husband and our kids are gonna have close to school and work. Everyday ( mo-fr) are we eating dinner together and talk what had happend. On The wekeend we do something fun like bowling, karaoke otc .
I'm not gonna be A "cool" mom but not eighter "not fun" mon i'm just gonna be A mom that tries to do the right thing. I Hope that My kids learn that money is not something you need A LOT off, that they can be happy for what they Alredy have.
I'm not gonna be A "cool" mom but not eighter "not fun" mon i'm just gonna be A mom that tries to do the right thing. I Hope that My kids learn that money is not something you need A LOT off, that they can be happy for what they Alredy have.
After high school and collage I'm gonna to be a succeful lawyrer and been in a music video when I dance. I also want to help poor kids in the porr countris. If I'm gonna have much money then I'm gonna help all of the kids and all of the poor humans out there in the world, becuase everyone deserve a better life. With a family, food, water and they deserve to be happy.
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